Current development
release: v0.93 Current stable release: v0.81 (+ 1 patch)
The LANdb HOWTO - The
single most comprehensive source of help. Contributed by Matt Fuqua (covers
stable releases only)
INSTALL - Installation instructions, help with
both the 'easy' way (with the install script), and what to do if the
installer won't work for you.
README - General information, not as helpful as
INSTALL, and a bit outdated (Contributions, anyone?)
CHANGES - A complete record of LANdb's changes
and developments (up to date with the current development release)
Release Notes - Current version-specific information
BUGS - Our current method of keeping track of bugs.
Check here before reporting one, then send your findings to me or the development mailing list
FRF - Frequently Request Features. Check here to
see what's going on with features not yet implemented before making a
feature request.
ABOUT - A work-in-progress document about LANdb
itself; not intended for help. It documents (will document, by v1.0)
everything from the history of the project to the API.
NIS Schema - A MySQL dump file. This may be
nice to have in case of problems with your installation, or if you'd like to
find ways of improving the schema. This is for v0.8x only.
NIS1 Schema - A MySQL dump file. This is the
new LANdb schema, which is new for versions 0.90 and up.